Quick n' Easy Beauty Tips

So how many of you girls are like me who don’t do any make up just because it takes time and gets too boring…believe me, it does!

So for all you ladies, I got some quick n’ easy … and best yet … tested make up tips which will let you do make up in just about no time!

1.     if you don’t have hair serum à use hand or body lotion or even face moisturizer on hair like serum. To avoid the stickiness in your hair, take lotion in your hands and dilute it with water before applying it on your hair; works like charm

2.     if your eye liner gets dry à put it in front of a light bulb for half an hour before applying it; it will be at perfect texture

3.     if you do not have blush on à use any smooth lipstick as a cream blush on; always works

4.     if you run out of foundation à use lose powder mixed with moisturizer and apply it on face to get instant glow

5.     if you run out of concealer à use the thick paste stuck on the lid of foundation as concealer

6.     if you don’t have mascara à use petroleum jelly as mascara. By applying a little bit of jelly on eye lashes, it not only works as mascara but it also gives a nice shine

That’s right…all of them tried and tested! Amazed? Stay tuned, as next week there will be more….

Exercises for Natural Glow

Hello everyone! What’s going on these days…besides the weather getting colder and your skin getting ‘chappier’? Speaking of which…how about we talk about how to maintain the glow on your beautiful face even in cold days?!

Like the sound of it? Great…here we go...

First and foremost, cleanse your face and neck properly. Then follow the steps below:

1.      Using your finger tips, while applying some pressure, slowly massage your face and neck: starting from forehead, coming down to cheeks and then starting from behind the ears to your collar-bone.

2.     Place your fingers in the middle of your forehead, between your eyebrows. Apply a little pressure for 5 seconds and then release. Repeat this while slowly moving from between your eyebrows to your hairline.

3.     Place your index, middle, and ring fingers of right hand underneath your right eye, near nose; and place your index, middle, and ring fingers of left hand underneath your left eye, near nose. Now apply a little pressure for 5 seconds and release. Repeat this while slowly moving towards your jaw line.

4.     Using your fingertips, apply some pressure above your lips for 5 seconds. Release and now apply same pressure under your lips for 5 seconds. Release and apply pressure at both corners of your mouth for 5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times.

5.     Place your fingers and thumb underneath your chin bone. Apply a little pressure for 5 seconds. Release and slowly repeat this while moving towards your jaw line.

6.    Place your thumb underneath your chin and your fingertips on chin. Now apply some pressure for 5 seconds. Release and slowly repeat this while moving towards your jaw line.

I know following these exercises on regular basis will take some time and might even get boring after a while but hey…it’ll be worth it!

Any ideas/suggestions are always welcome!

Collagen Rich Diet

Hello everyone! How’s everything going? I know…cold week, cold weekend. *sigh* winter is just around the corner…

Anyway, not discussing the weather here. As promised, I got you suggestions for food items to include in your collagen rich diet.

1.      Soya products: soymilk, soy cheese
      Reason: Soy products and especially soy cheese contain genistein which enhances the production of collagen in them and then helps in blocking the enzymes that breaks down the skin

2.      Dark green vegetables: broccoli, romaine lettuce, spinach, bok choy
Reason: Green vegetables contain collagen producing agents. They are also highly rich in Vitamin C

3.      Red fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, apples, cherries, strawberries, red peppers, beet root
Reason: Red fruits and vegetables contain something called lycopenes, which basically act as antioxidants and helps in increasing collagen production

4.      Omega fatty acid: salmon, nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts), oregano, avocados
Reason: Omega 3 fatty acids more or less help in creating an environment for collagen producing agents

5.      Sulphur:  olives (both green and black), cucumbers, celery
Reason: Consuming food products that are rich in Sulphur along with Vitamin A help in keeping collagen level high.
Vitamin A: carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, milk, eggs, liver

Short n’ sweet list? Include this is in your grocery for this weekend, stay healthy and stay warm ... aaaaaaaand of course stay tuned as I always have great tips for you ;)

Tips for Aging Gracefully

Aging ... one stage of natural life cycle that we all go through. It is indeed one stage, though, that we all dread going through. So how about I tell you that you can age without any fear now. How so? Well because today I will give you tips to age ... gracefully.

  1. Drink WATER! – as much as possible, as pure as possible. On an average, the normal amount of water for a young adult to drink is about eight 8-ounce glasses per day

  1. Increase the consumption of anti-oxidants in your diet; foods like: blueberries, raspberries, sprouts, raw nuts are very rich in anti-oxidants

  1. Add MSM in your diet. MSM is an organosulfur compound, which not only heals skin problems but also helps in reducing wrinkles and gives your skin a much younger look. Raw vegetables usually contain MSM: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower are some of the best raw vegetables to include in you diet

  1. Never forget your Vitamins. Multivitamins are very essential to include in daily diet. Based on your daily needs, consult your doctor for more information on vitamin intake

  1. Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption. Alcohol and caffeine are diuretic and in excess consumption they may cause dehydration; which will result in drying your skin and hence in aging soon.

  1. Meditate. Meditate does not mean sitting in a lotus position and try to levitate yourself for half an hour. What meditate truly means is: relaxing, breathing, feeling positive, being happy and content in doing what you are doing. Meditation calms you down, reduces stress, improves your skin, and ... no price for guessing - makes you look younger

  1. Exercise. Now again exercising does not necessarily mean going to gym and working out for an hour every day but it means to keep your muscles and body toned. There are several facial exercises you can do to tone your facial muscles and if you haven't been a regular reader of my posts, click here to read more on facial exercises for toning your skin.

Alright, this is enough for today but stay tuned for more informative and interesting tips.

    Benefits of Cold Shower

    Oh God! It was really hot today...wasn't it? Just can’t wait for a cold chilling shower…if only living in water was possible =P

    Anyway, in this heat taking a cold shower would be just … surreal. But as mesmerizing as it would be, you’d be surprised to know how beneficial it is too. And not just for one reason but for many reasons.

    Actually, I will give you 10 benefits of taking a cold shower.

    Cold shower:

    1.   Increases immunity to fight against many infections and diseases, including cancer
    2.   [Psychologically proven] elevates your mood and motivation
    3.   Aids in reducing chronic pains
    4.   Increases blood circulation
    5.   Improves kidney function
    6.   Regulates body temperature; eliminates cold temperature of hands and feet
    7.   Keeps your hair healthy and shiny
    8.   Reduces fatigue and gives a boost to your energy level
    9.   Deepen your breathing
    10. And last but not the least, reduces stress

    Wow! Isn’t that beneficial?! Well I am sure that even if you were not the cold shower fan till now, at least you’d give it a try … for your health, wouldn't you?