Easy Tips for Glowing Skin

Hello Ladies ... and men who are not so uptight enough to not care about their skin ;)

So seriously, how fanatic are you for a perfectly soft and glowing face?! I remember it was almost 2 years ago when (now this stays between you and me only!!!) at the age of 20, I was losing the glow on my face and was going crazy for it but then luckily I stumbled upon a few amazing tips to get the glow back.

And guess what?! Yeap, as a very dear friend of yours, I am sharing them all today, here, with you :)

For Cleansing Lotion
Take 1 tsp of milk, 2 tsp of cucumber juice, and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well together and apply on your face with a cotton ball. This will clean the deep pores on your face and will make your skin glow like sunshine.

For Cleanser
Take 4 tsp of plain natural yogurt, and 1-2 tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on your face, with a cotton ball, moving from chin to forehead. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then wipe it off using another cotton ball. And believe you in me - works like magic for oily skin!

For Astringent
Take 2 round slices of cucumber. Rub them on your face in a circular motion, let it dry naturally and then wash your face with a little warm water.

For Freshener
Take 1 liter of water in a pan and add 22-25 mint leaves in it. Bring the water to boil then let it cool. Now drain the water and store it in a bottle. Use this freshener after you clean your face. This will give you a warm fresh feeling.

For Moisturizer
Take ½ cup of warm milk and add 2 tsp of honey in it. Mix well and apply on your face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10-12 minutes and then wash your face with water. This will make your skin soft and glow.

Try them and you will see the difference yourself. BTW, if I forgot to say it already, today my face glows no less than a ... how do i say it ... in a setting sun like a pearl upon the ocean ;)

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    # by Anonymous - August 7, 2011 at 5:23 p.m.

    oh wow...amazing tips. hope they work...thanks!

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    # by Tessa - August 8, 2011 at 1:01 p.m.

    awesome! i just tried it and liking it so far. :)