Oily Skin Care Tips

Oily Skin. Perhaps the only skin type that is the absolute worst of all … or at least as per those unfortunate people who have oily skin. Do you know what exactly oily skin is? Well besides the fact that it makes you look as if you dipped yourself in some kind of weird grease just now ... let me tell you what exactly oily skin is...

So, the sebaceous glands are the microscopic glands in skin that secret the oil/wax material to lubricate the skin and hair. This results in several medical conditions whereas acne is one of the biggest ones. In human skin, these glands are found everywhere (except for palms and soles), but primarily they are found in great abundance on forehead, near nose and cheeks (or commonly called T-zone).

Enough with the mumbo-jumbo? Fine! Let's cut to the chase and here are some very effective and ... wait for it ... very easy care tips for you:

1.  Every night, just before you go to bed, apply half a spoon juice of lime and cucumber on your face

2.  Take shower with cold water. Hot water will only open more pores and will result in producing more sebum

3.  Try to avoid soaps on your face as they are hard and may over dry your skin. Use an oil free acne face wash or talk to your dermatologist to find out what kind of oil free face wash suits you more

4.  If possible, avoid makeup altogether.
If not, apply the same cucumber and lime juice and let it dry before you apply makeup. This will not create the patches when your skin excretes oil

5.  To get rid of excess oil: blend 1 teaspoon of green clay powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply on your face and leave for 15 minutes to dry before you rinse it off with water. Repeat this for 2-3 times a week for more effective results

6.  Concentrate on diet that is rich in protein and restricted in sugar and salt

7.  Avoid any consumption of oil if possible. If need be, use olive oil only

8.  Any soft drink, alcoholic beverages, chocolates, junk food work as catalyst for sebum; avoid them as much as possible

9.  Most importantly, drink WATER, plenty of WATER, as much as you can drink WATER! Well actually about 2 liters of water every day would be good enough ;)

So follow these and your most irritating oily skin will stop irritating you altogether! Stay tuned for more easy tips every week!

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    # by Angela - August 28, 2011 at 6:36 p.m.

    thanks...btw how cold should the water be?

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    # by Shubhi - August 29, 2011 at 8:08 p.m.

    Angela, the water should be as cold as you can bare on your skin. The whole point is you should not have to fringe at the touch of water...but it should not be on the warm side either...