Collagen Rich Diet

Hello everyone! How’s everything going? I know…cold week, cold weekend. *sigh* winter is just around the corner…

Anyway, not discussing the weather here. As promised, I got you suggestions for food items to include in your collagen rich diet.

1.      Soya products: soymilk, soy cheese
      Reason: Soy products and especially soy cheese contain genistein which enhances the production of collagen in them and then helps in blocking the enzymes that breaks down the skin

2.      Dark green vegetables: broccoli, romaine lettuce, spinach, bok choy
Reason: Green vegetables contain collagen producing agents. They are also highly rich in Vitamin C

3.      Red fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, apples, cherries, strawberries, red peppers, beet root
Reason: Red fruits and vegetables contain something called lycopenes, which basically act as antioxidants and helps in increasing collagen production

4.      Omega fatty acid: salmon, nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts), oregano, avocados
Reason: Omega 3 fatty acids more or less help in creating an environment for collagen producing agents

5.      Sulphur:  olives (both green and black), cucumbers, celery
Reason: Consuming food products that are rich in Sulphur along with Vitamin A help in keeping collagen level high.
Vitamin A: carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, milk, eggs, liver

Short n’ sweet list? Include this is in your grocery for this weekend, stay healthy and stay warm ... aaaaaaaand of course stay tuned as I always have great tips for you ;)